Idea Conference

Die Abbildung zeigt den Flyer für die Ideenkonferenz von Health for Future zum Thema Klimaschutz im Krankenhaus. Auf dem Flyer sind der Titel "klimakrise in der Notaufnahme", sowie das Datum als auch die Anmeldemöglichkeiten aufgezeichnet. Am unteren Rand sind die Logos von Health for Future und vom Green Office der FAU abgebildet.

Climate crisis in the emergency room:

What can hospitals do to help protect our climate?

Do you work or study in the field of health and want to have your say on climate protection?

On November 10, 2021 at 6 pm, Health for Future offers you a platform to make an active contribution. Join the webinar and find out how the health care system can contribute to a better planet by sharing ideas. Students will work on developing the ideas and Health for Future is committed to seeing successful ideas implemented in Erlangen.
All staff are welcome including clinical staff, care staff, therapy teams, students and trainees. Everyone can do their bit to shape the clinic of the future! Please refer to this page for more information on how to register free of charge. Please contact Health For Future at with any further questions.

In the course of the ESD competition at FAU, Julia Kicherer from Health for Future won the first prize in the category “Cool idea!”. Now the implementation of this idea is imminent and we can work together to transform our health care system.