Climate Connect – a networking platform for climate activists

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The fight against climate change is the most difficult challenge for present and future generations. The time to act is now, which is why people all over the world are working on innovations that will have an impact and make their actions more climate-friendly. Climate Connect understands the importance of these individual ambitions and promotes their scalability and potential. They believe that climate change can be fought, but only together. Climate Connect is a platform that connects those who want to make a difference together and creates a sense of community among climate initiatives, organizations and individuals.

Climate Connect focuses on collective efforts with systemic and global implications. To serve this goal, is based on four important values:

● No one can enrich themselves with the services of the platform. That’s why they decided to found the non-profit company Climate Connect.
● They are open source from the ground up. In this way, they establish a vibrant and transparent community in which all parties involved can access the platform data.
● Climate Connect is an independent platform that connects in an unbiased way.
● Cohesion is the key to success, which is why solutions must be community-oriented. Climate Connect builds climate communities that can help and support each other.

Following these values, they support individuals to increase the reach of their climate engagement. The online platform multiplies the impact of projects, innovations and initiatives on a global scale. It offers them a space of exchange and inspiration. By creating a climate community, they want to create a place where climate actors feel connected, supported and recognize their impact.


Every action on follows the motto: act locally and think globally – together. Climate connect is organized to promote climate action:

Sector Hubs: Field-based forums allow organizations and motivated individuals to exchange ideas about their projects and collaborate in the same field. Together, organizations pursuing similar goals can innovate and reshape their industry through a collaborative mindset.
City Hubs: Local action is the first step towards significant impact, which is why Climate Connect is building small and strong networks of climate actors in cities with the “City Hubs”. City hubs are forums that connect organizations and people from the same city who want to join similar goals.
User focus: All users of can converse with experts and the climate community. Our own commitment to the platform and the help of Climate Connect increase the potential of climate initiatives and projects on the platform.


Following these principles, Climate Connect relies on donations. With this type of financing, they are able to remain true to their original purpose without being influenced by prejudices or external influences. At the same time, the work the team does behind the scenes is also recognized. Donations make it possible for Climate Connect to continue to act as a basecamp for climate activists and not to make projects dependent on monetary gains. In this way, the goal of collective action for climate protection can be maintained as the only priority.

We need to build a community that works with those who want to help. Climate Connect is this community and each individual is connected by the common goal of contributing to climate protection.